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Last Saturday, we attended a Polish-Dutch wedding, decorated with field flowers in all colours of Polish autumn. The centrepieces were quite diversified and colorful enough, that even the weather had to yield, despite having threatened us with rain and thunderstorms for days.

As a novelty, we introduced the suspended ceiling decoration composed of single flowers in little bottles. This simple concept turned out more difficult to implement, than expected, but was complimented as much by the Guests, as by our co-workers.

For the Newlyweds, the highlight of the night appeared in form of the wedding cake – over 1 m tall and decorated in gold, lace and flounce in Mary Antoinette style.

The party went on til morning hours and all that’s left for us is to wish Agnieszka and Christiaan nothing but sunny days throughout the years to come.

Design i wykonanie: Smultron.pl

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